Churches Need Better Discipleship Training
Karl Vaters, after reviewing NewStart Discipleship on his podcast for church leaders, said, "One of the top five questions that I'm regularly asked as I speak to other small church pastors is, do you have a discipleship curriculum that you recommend?" Karl talks to a LOT of small church pastors through his conferences, books, and podcast. He's right.
Hi, I'm Darrell Stetler, and I'm on a mission to create better discipleship training for pastors and new Christians. If you're
Discipleship training has not been a strong focus of the American church, and it's hitting us hard. I always say, "We've discipled our way into the mess we're in, and we're going to have to disciple our way back out!"
If you're a pastor looking for better discipleship training, you need to check out my 7 discipleship training options.
Introducing the
Discipleship Program by NewStart
As a small church pastor since 2003, I got tired of having no clear discipleship plan. I couldn't multiply disciple-makers without a repeatable discipleship plan I could give away. So I created one. NewStart Discipleship is a monthly subscription to a discipleship plan.
A NewStart Discipleship Program Subscription Provides:
#1: A Discipleship Process Any Church Can Use
NewStart Discipleship takes the guesswork out of your church's discipleship process. If you're tired of "reinventing the wheel" or "winging it" every time that someone becomes a Christian at your church, you need to:
Create something that is a clear, repeatable discipleship process​​
Get a clear, customizable discipleship process ready-made for you.
That's where the NewStart Discipleship process comes into play. NewStart has a discipleship process that is repeatable, and already built for you. No reason to "reinvent the wheel" if there's already a process in place that any size church can use, plug-and-play.
If you're a busy pastor, then I'd suggest trying out NewStart Discipleship.
#2: A Discipleship curriculum that is customizable.
Many church have no discipleship curriculum that is both simple and robust. They're either simple (and shallow), or robust (and as thick as the Yellow Pages).
NewStart strikes the right balance. The discipleship program I've created is:
Simple to implement in any size church
Bite-sized for brand new Christians
Deep enough to challenge new believers to maturity
Because NewStart is organized into modules, you can plug-and-play your discipleship curriculum, dealing with whatever the new Christian needs most at that moment:
Got a disciple that wants to do family devotions? We've got you covered.
Got a new believer that feels the need for deeper prayer? Sure, we've got a module for that.
Got a new Christian that is struggling with pornography? We're developing a module for that.
Got a believer struggling with Christian community? You need Moving From Me to We.
NewStart is a clear, customizable discipleship plan template that you can immediately implement, yet it stays flexible enough to deal with issues as they come up in the lives of a new Christian.
#3: A discipleship pathway that is crystal clear.
The dirty little secret of American churches is that many pastors have no ability to offer a clear invitation to discipleship, because they don't have a clear entrance and discipleship pathway.
But with NewStart, you'll be able to offer a clear invitation to discipleship to everyone who trusts in Christ for salvation at your church. You'll invite them to walk along a clearly defined discipleship pathway like this:
Discipleship Training for Pastors
How can I get started with this discipleship program?
You can get started immediately by joining NewStart Discipeship's annual subscription. By this time next week, you could already have a set of tools in place that will carry you toward your dream of successfully building a discipleship program at your church.
All the info is at this link:
What are people saying?
Google Reviews for Our Discipleship Materials
"exactly what I was looking for at a great price..."

"highly recommended by this small church pastor..."

"Great resources to make discipleship available to anyone in any size church."

"present God's truth in a simple, clear... and practical way."

"Great resources for discipleship."

Best Resources for Discipleship
For pastors who want to learn how they can design a discipleship program for their church, here are the 9 most popular blog posts I've written on discipleship:
#1: How to Create a Clear Discipleship Pathway
#2: Why You Need a Discipleship Coach
#3: How to Recruit a 2nd Disciple-Maker at Your Church
#4: How to Find a Discipleship Curriculum for Your Church
#5: The Best Bible Reading Plan for New Christians
#6: Getting Started With Discipleship Ministry: A 10-Step Practical Guide
#7: Getting Clear on Your Discipleship Goals
#8: The Importance of a Discipleship Plan for Your Church
#9: How to Use Your Worship Service To Promote Discipleship
Can you Train me to do Discipleship?
Sure, we do discipleship training! Check out these options:
Discipleship Training Option 1: Discipleship Coaching
This 10-session Video training covers practical tips for discipleship ministry in the local church. it also includes a 30 minute coaching call, and a 37 page downloadable workbook... and a 22 question discipleship assessment to discern where your church is in terms of its discipleship program and pathway. To register, you can click the image below:
Discipleship Training Option 2: Free 1 Hour Training
How to Be 100% Ready to Disciple New Believers... this free discipleship training is great for pastors and church boards if you have limited time. It's instantly available by clicking the image below.