About NewStart Discipleship
Discipleship Ministry Training from a 20-year veteran pastor
The need for discipleship
Small church pastor & author Karl Vaters, after reviewing NewStart Discipleship on his podcast for church leaders, said, "One of the top five questions that I'm regularly asked as I speak to other small church pastors is, do you have a discipleship curriculum that you recommend?" Karl talks to a LOT of small church pastors through his conferences, books, and podcast. He's right.
There's a crying need for effective discipleship in our day.
Discipleship training has not been a strong focus of the American church, and it's hitting us hard. I always say, "We've discipled our way into the mess we're in, and we're going to have to disciple our way back out!"
Hi, I'm Darrell Stetler II, and I'm on a mission to create better discipleship training for pastors and new Christians.
My company, NewStart Discipleship, creates clear discipleship strategy that any size church can actually DO.
About Darrell Stetler II

Hello! I’m Darrell Stetler II, a disciple-making pastor, author, and the voice behind this blog. My mission is to empower local churches, especially smaller congregations, with effective, practical strategies for discipleship. With over 20 years of pastoral experience and a heart deeply rooted in the local community of Oklahoma City, I’ve dedicated my life to the service of God’s people, both within and beyond the walls of the church.
My Journey
Born out of a passion for the Bible, people, and Jesus, this blog reflects my journey from a Lead Pastor of a small church that began with just 10 members to a thriving community of over 100 souls. Alongside my congregation, we’ve reached out into our community through public school initiatives and a food pantry ministry serving over 20,000 people annually.
Educationally, I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Theology from God's Bible School and College and have pursued a Masters at Wesley Biblical Seminary. These academic endeavors have deeply enriched my understanding and practice of discipleship.
Beyond the Pulpit
Outside of my pastoral duties, I am a devoted husband to Elizabeth and a father to seven wonderful children. My life is a blend of faith, family, and a love for music, sports, and the great outdoors. Whether strumming my acoustic guitar, enjoying a game of basketball, or hitting the golf course, or reading a great book, I am a pretty simple guy.
My Mission
My blog is dedicated to disciples who are in the trenches of ministry, especially those leading smaller congregations. I’ve been where you are – struggling to juggle pastoral responsibilities, family life, and the daunting task of effective discipleship. For years I did it without a clear plan. No longer! This blog is my platform to share practical, tested strategies and tools that I’ve developed and implemented in my own ministry. My goal is to offer hope, understanding, and excitement for pastors ready to prioritize disciple-making in their churches.
Achievements and Contributions
I am the creator of the New Christian Bible Reading Plan and the author of several discipleship resources, including:
- *NewStart Discipleship Journal: Your First 50 Days With Jesus*
- *The Obedience Challenge: 90 Days to Learn to Obey Jesus' Commands*
- And many more insightful guides and courses designed to equip pastors and believers alike.
I'm the creator of various church outreach tools, including The Gospel Trunk or Treat for churches.
My Vision for You
If you’re a small church pastor feeling overwhelmed by the challenge of discipleship, I want you to leave this blog feeling:
hopeful, equipped with practical tools;
understood, by someone who truly knows the intricacies of your calling;
and excited, ready to make discipleship a cornerstone of your ministry.
Together, let’s strengthen the way we do church, one disciple at a time.
My Discipleship Tools:
Discipleship Reviews & Recommendations
What are pastors saying about NewStart Discipleship's discipleship material?
I've written extensively about the best discipleship materials for new believers. But it's not just me that thinks they are great. Well, we've got a straight 5-star rating on Google My Business! Here are some reviews and testimonials we've received from small-church pastors (and larger ones, too).
"exactly what I was looking for at a great price... a discipleship program that was easy to follow."

"Great resources to make discipleship available to anyone in any size church."

"highly recommended by this small church pastor..."

"present God's truth in a simple, clear... and practical way."

"Great resources for discipleship."

"really appreciating the NewStart Discipleship Journey... I highly recommend it."

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