What does Romans 1:8-15 mean?
What does Romans 1:1-7 mean?
An Introduction and Overview of Romans for New Christians
10 Examples Of Discipleship Workbooks
ADVICE TO THE METHODISTS REGARDING DRESS - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English
THE USE OF MONEY - John Wesley's Sermon in Today's language
THE NATURE OF FANATICISM - John Wesley's Sermon in Todays Language
Designing a Discipleship Journey for Your Church
How to Create a Table for Discipleship Resources
Study on Baptism for New Christians: The Baptism Challenge
Easter Sermon Illustrations: How to Quickly Generate Ideas with ChatGPT
How to Brainstorm Sermon Illustrations with ChatGPT
Family Bible Time: A Practical Plan for Any Family
Do Christians Really Have to Obey Jesus?
Free Discipleship Training options for pastors
I'll Be a Guest on Your Discipleship Podcast
Book Review: "The New Discipleship in Home" by Dr. Matt Friedeman
What is the NewStart Discipleship Journal?
A LETTER TO A ROMAN CATHOLIC - John Wesley in Modern English
THE SPIRIT OF UNITY - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English