A CAUTION AGAINST BIGOTRY - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English
THE MEANS OF GRACE - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English
THE WITNESS OF OUR OWN SPIRIT - John Wesley's Sermon in Today's English
THE WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT DISCOURSE II - John Wesley's Sermon in Today's English
ON SIN IN BELIEVERS - John Wesley's Sermon in Today's English
THE WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT DISCOURSE I - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English
A PLAIN ACCOUNT OF CHRISTIAN PERFECTION - John Wesley's Sermon in Modern English
CHRISTIAN PERFECTION - John Wesley's Sermon in Today's English
THE REPENTANCE OF BELIEVERS - John Wesley Sermon in Today's English
A Powerful Discipleship Resource for Small Church Pastors: The Obedience Challenge
The Great Privilege of Those That Are Born Of God - John Wesley Sermon in Modern English
How Any Christian Can Make Disciples
Why does the Bible say to disciple "all nations?"
21 Times Jesus Said "Follow Me"
Introducing “How to Pray the Psalms: A 21-Day Guide for New Christians”
The Beatitudes as a Pattern for Discipleship
New Discipleship Resource "Moving from Me to We" Empowers Small Church Pastors
All Jesus Commands In a Single PDF
Making Disciples Is Like Re-Parenting
All 23 "One Another" Commands of Scripture