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200 Hymns About Discipleship

Writer's picture: Darrell Stetler IIDarrell Stetler II

So you want to promote discipleship and focus on it in your church, but need some practical ideas. One is to include the focus in your worship music! But what songs focus that direction?

What kinds of themes are in discipleship songs?

Discipleship songs often focus on themes that reflect the journey of following Christ, spiritual growth, and living out one’s faith in everyday life. Here are some common themes found in discipleship songs:

  1. Consecration and Surrender: Emphasizing the act of dedicating oneself wholly to God, these songs often speak of giving up worldly desires and ambitions to follow Christ. Lyrics may include phrases about surrendering one's will, submitting to God's plan, and seeking to be used by God for His purposes.

  2. Following Christ: This theme focuses on the commitment to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Songs may describe the path of discipleship as one of obedience, trust, and walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

  3. Imitating Christ: Songs with this theme encourage believers to emulate the character and actions of Jesus. They often highlight qualities like humility, love, service, patience, and sacrifice, urging Christians to model their lives after Christ’s example.

  4. Taking Up Your Cross: Based on Jesus' call to take up one's cross and follow Him, these songs reflect themes of sacrifice, self-denial, and enduring hardship for the sake of Christ and the Gospel.

  5. Faith and Trust: Many discipleship songs center on the need for faith and trust in God’s guidance and provision. They speak to the assurance that comes from relying on God’s promises, even in difficult or uncertain times.

  6. Perseverance and Endurance: Reflecting the idea that discipleship is a lifelong journey, these songs emphasize the need to persevere in faith, continue growing spiritually, and remain steadfast in the face of trials.

  7. Spiritual Growth and Maturity: These songs focus on the ongoing process of spiritual development, learning, and transformation that comes from a deepening relationship with God. They often encourage believers to seek wisdom, knowledge, and a closer walk with God.

  8. Community and Fellowship: Some discipleship songs highlight the importance of Christian community and fellowship in discipleship. They emphasize the role of the church in supporting and encouraging one another in faith.

  9. Service and Mission: Emphasizing the call to serve others and share the Gospel, these songs inspire believers to engage in acts of love, service, and evangelism as a natural outflow of their discipleship.

  10. Hope and Eternal Perspective: Songs with this theme remind believers of the eternal rewards and hope that come from following Christ. They often encourage a focus on heavenly things rather than earthly ones, pointing to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises.

impressionist painting of a congregation singing hymns about following jesus

Examples of hymns about discipleship

Using these themes, let's compile a list. Here’s a list of 100 traditional hymns and gospel songs focusing on discipleship:

1. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

2. Take My Life and Let It Be

3. Where He Leads Me

4. Follow On

5. Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult

6. O Jesus, I Have Promised

7. I Want a Principle Within

8. Trust and Obey

9. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go

10. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?

11. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

12. Lead On, O King Eternal

13. Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake

14. The Master Hath Come

15. So Send I You

16. All to Jesus I Surrender

17. Follow, I Will Follow Thee

18. In the Cross of Christ I Glory

19. I'll Live for Him

20. Ye Servants of God

21. Living for Jesus

22. O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee

23. Have Thine Own Way, Lord

24. Abide with Me

25. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

26. Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?

27. O Zion, Haste

28. I Gave My Life for Thee

29. A Charge to Keep I Have

30. Come, Labor On

31. Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee

32. Give of Your Best to the Master

33. Make Me a Blessing

34. Go, Labor On

35. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

36. O for a Heart to Praise My God

37. My Jesus, I Love Thee

38. Take Up Thy Cross

39. More Love to Thee, O Christ

40. I Surrender All

41. Be Thou My Vision

42. Beneath the Cross of Jesus

43. Nearer, My God, to Thee

44. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross

45. I Am Thine, O Lord

46. Close to Thee

47. Higher Ground

48. Give Me Jesus

49. Something for Thee

50. At the Cross

51. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

52. O to Be Like Thee

53. Soldiers of Christ, Arise

54. He Leadeth Me

55. Follow Me

56. Take Time to Be Holy

57. O For a Closer Walk with God

58. Footsteps of Jesus

59. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

60. In the Garden

61. Ye Servants of God

62. Breathe on Me, Breath of God

63. Fill Me Now

64. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

65. The Solid Rock

66. The Old Rugged Cross

67. Let Him Have His Way with Thee

68. Day by Day

69. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

70. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

71. How Firm a Foundation

72. Rock of Ages

73. I Need Thee Every Hour

74. Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart

75. I'd Rather Have Jesus

76. Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life

77. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

78. O Happy Day

79. Lead Me to Calvary

80. Lord, I'm Coming Home

81. Just As I Am

82. God Will Take Care of You

83. All the Way My Savior Leads Me

84. May the Mind of Christ, My Savior

85. Infinite Power, Eternal Lord

86. Arise, My Soul, Arise

87. It Is Well with My Soul

88. We Give Thee But Thine Own

89. Have You Any Room for Jesus?

90. I Am Resolved

91. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

92. Oh, How I Love Jesus

93. I Will Sing of My Redeemer

94. Sweet Hour of Prayer

95. Standing on the Promises

96. Victory in Jesus

97. Now I Belong to Jesus

98. He Is So Precious to Me

99. I Know Whom I Have Believed

100. O For A Faith That Will Not Shrink

100 Modern Hymns about Discipleship

Of course, hymns are still being written. They're not simply an old form!

Here’s a list of 100 modern hymns that focus on discipleship, with themes of consecration, following Christ, imitating Christ, taking up your cross, surrender, and self-sacrifice, featuring songs by artists like Stuart Townend, Keith & Kristyn Getty, CityAlight, Sovereign Grace Music, and Bill Gaither:

1. "In Christ Alone" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

2. "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" - Stuart Townend

3. "Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me" - CityAlight

4. "He Will Hold Me Fast" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

5. "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery" - Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

6. "The Power of the Cross" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

7. "O Church Arise" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

8. "All I Have Is Christ" - Sovereign Grace Music

9. "Speak O Lord" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

10. "Before the Throne of God Above" - Sovereign Grace Music

11. "Living Waters" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

12. "Christ Our Hope in Life and Death" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

13. "For the Cause" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

14. "Come People of the Risen King" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

15. "My Worth Is Not in What I Own" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

16. "Behold Our God" - Sovereign Grace Music

17. "Grace Unmeasured" - Sovereign Grace Music

18. "I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

19. "There Is a Higher Throne" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

20. "By Faith" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

21. "Is He Worthy?" - Andrew Peterson

22. "O Great God" - Sovereign Grace Music

23. "Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King" - Gateway Worship

24. "His Mercy Is More" - Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

25. "Jesus, Thank You" - Sovereign Grace Music

26. "My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)" - Sovereign Grace Music

27. "Compete in Me" - Sovereign Grace Music

28. "Across the Lands" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

29. "Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

30. "The Lord Is My Salvation" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

31. "God the Uncreated One (King Forevermore)" - Sovereign Grace Music

32. "We Will Feast in the House of Zion" - Sandra McCracken

33. "Jesus Is Mine" - CityAlight

34. "The King in All His Beauty" - Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

35. "I Will Glory in My Redeemer" - Sovereign Grace Music

36. "Christ Is Mine Forevermore" - CityAlight

37. "Let Your Kingdom Come" - Sovereign Grace Music

38. "Come Adore the Humble King" - Sovereign Grace Music

39. "We Will Feast in the House of Zion" - Sandra McCracken

40. "The Gospel Song" - Sovereign Grace Music

41. "The Solid Rock" - Sovereign Grace Music

42. "All Glory Be to Christ" - King’s Kaleidoscope

43. "By This We Know Love" - Sovereign Grace Music

44. "When Trials Come" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

45. "I Will Trust My Savior Jesus" - CityAlight

46. "All Praise to Him" - Sovereign Grace Music

47. "O Come, All You Unfaithful" - Sovereign Grace Music

48. "What a Savior" - Sovereign Grace Music

49. "O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer" - Sovereign Grace Music

50. "Come, O Sinner" - Sovereign Grace Music

51. "Cling to Christ" - Sovereign Grace Music

52. "In the Valley" - Sovereign Grace Music

53. "Our Only Hope Is You" - Sovereign Grace Music

54. "Merciful God" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

55. "Grace" - CityAlight

56. "The Lord Is My Salvation" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

57. "Let It Be Jesus" - Christy Nockels

58. "My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

59. "Oh How Good It Is" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

60. "By Faith" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

61. "Compassion Hymn" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

62. "The Perfect Wisdom of Our God" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

63. "Consider Him" - Sovereign Grace Music

64. "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - Sovereign Grace Music

65. "Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn)" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

66. "Facing a Task Unfinished" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

67. "We Believe" - Newsboys

68. "I Am Not Ashamed" - Sovereign Grace Music

69. "Show Us Christ" - Sovereign Grace Music

70. "Prepare Him Room" - Sovereign Grace Music

71. "Worthy of the Lord" - Bill Gaither

72. "At the Cross" - Bill Gaither

73. "Because He Lives" - Bill Gaither

74. "There Is a Redeemer" - Keith Green

75. "O Praise the Name (Anástasis)" - Hillsong Worship

76. "The Risen Christ" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

77. "Resurrection Hymn (See, What a Morning)" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

78. "Speak O Lord" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

79. "O Come to the Altar" - Elevation Worship

80. "Be Still My Soul" - Sovereign Grace Music

81. "Abide with Me" - Matt Redman

82. "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" - Chris Tomlin

83. "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand" - Sovereign Grace Music

84. "Behold the Wondrous Cross" - Sovereign Grace Music

85. "God So Loved" - We the Kingdom

86. "There Is a Fountain" - Sovereign Grace Music

87. "The Love of God" - Sovereign Grace Music

88. "We Are Not Overcome" - Bifrost Arts

89. "Sovereign Over Us" - Michael W. Smith

90. "God of Grace" - CityAlight

91. "Who Is On the Lord's Side?" - Sovereign Grace Music

92. "Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor" - Sovereign Grace Music

93. "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Sovereign Grace Music

94. "Jesus Shall Reign" - Keith & Kristyn Getty

95. "I Will Rise" - Chris Tomlin

96. "Take My Life and Let It Be" - Sovereign Grace Music

97. "It Is Well with My Soul" - Sovereign Grace Music

98. "God of Calvary" - Chris Tomlin

99. "Come Praise and Glorify" - Sovereign Grace Music

100. "The Saving One" - Chris Tomlin

101. "I Give All to You" - Larnelle Harris

This list provides a variety of modern hymns that focus on discipleship, emphasizing themes of consecration, following Christ, surrender, and self-sacrifice.

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