Our church has been doing Trunk or Treat for 13 years, with thousands of attendees over that time. Here is a great source of trunk or treat religious ideas. If you're planning to lead a trunk or treat at your church, these examples may be helpful as you try to figure out what trunks you need, and what supplies your volunteers need to purchase.
By the way, if you want to download the free guide, drop your email right here:
Check out these 37 examples of creative and simple trunk or treat trunks you should consider:
4 Simple Trunk or Treat Trunks for Creation
At our Gospel Trunk or Treat, we tell the stories of the Bible with our trunks, so it makes sense to start at the very beginning, with Genesis 1.
Suggested Candy: Milky Way candy bars "He made the stars also..."

3 Simple Trunk or Treat ideas for The Garden of Eden / The Fall / Adam and Eve
One of the best Bible stories to tell with your trunk is the story of sin entering the world in Genesis 3. This is a creative and simple Trunk or Treat Trunk idea from the Gospel Trunk or Treat system. We don't include Adam and Eve (!), but you get the idea. This trunk or treat trunk idea is idea for a truck!
Suggested Candy: Caramel Apple Suckers

2 Simple Trunk Ideas for God's Love
After sharing the "bad news" of the Bible in your trunk or treat, it's always great to remind kids that sin never changes God's great love for people! Here are some simple trunk or treat trunk ideas for this concept. We used a circle to communicate the "never-ending" nature of God's love. This trunk or treat trunk idea can be used on a minivan or SUV as well.
In our Trunk or Treat Plan (see the end), we tell kids "God's love means that sin will never win, because God is going to send a hero that will fix everything that sin has broken!"
Suggested Candy: Round Bubble Gum pieces ("The steadfast love of the Lord never ends!")

3 Noah's Ark Trunk or Treat Decoration Ideas
If you've got little kids, dress them up like animals and give out candy at this Noah's Ark story. We use it to illustrate God's judgment toward sin, but that God always makes a way to be saved from sin!
Suggested candy: Animal Crackers, Animal Fruit Snacks, Circus Cookies, or (our favorite) Skittles!

3 Easy Trunk or Treat idea for trucks - Abraham and Sarah Bible story
Here's a creative trunk idea to tell the story of Abraham and Sarah, and how God kept his promise to "bring the hero that will fix everything that sin has broken." These trunk or treat trunk ideas are best for trucks, or for that situation when you need a trunk or treat trunk -- with no car! :)
Suggested Candy: Laffy Taffy ("Sara laughed, but God still kept his promise!")

3 Creative Trunk Or Treat Trunk Ideas for Bible Story of Rahab
I love this one. One of my favorite Bible stories to tell. From the courage of Rahab to hide the spies, to the beautiful way God included her in his family and saved her from judgment... this is a great story. These two examples of trunks could be done with any car or SUV, and includes an interactive way to "knock down the walls of Jericho."
Suggested Candy: Red Twizzlers

1 Trunk or Treat Decoration Idea for Bible story of Ruth
To tell the story of Ruth is a great way to participate in a Christian Trunk or Treat. This one is great for pickup truck trunk ideas. We love to tell the story of how Ruth became part of the people of God.
Suggested Candy: Baby Ruth Candy Bars

A Trunk or Treat Trunk SUV Idea - Samson
Got a guy in your church who likes to work out? Put this trunk or treat trunk theme in the back of his pickup truck! We like to tell the story of Samson and include how God kept his promise to Samson, even when Samson didn't keep his end of the bargain!
Suggested Candy: Crunch Bars (because Samson could do lots of crunches)

3 Trunk or Treat Trunks Theme - David and Goliath
Take the time to teach a couple of actors, and the kids will love this one. :)
Suggested Candy: Pop Rocks (you know why) or Whoppers (because Goliath was a real whopper!)

Another religious trunk or treat idea - Solomon
We emphasize that Solomon could have had anything he wanted... God said, "What do you want me to do for you?" But Solomon decided what he wanted most was to know what God wanted him to do.
Suggested Candy: Smarties!

3 Bible Story Trunk or Treat Ideas - Jonah
Jonah is always a fun story to do. When we tell the story, we emphasize how Jonah connects to the rest of the story... that God is always merciful, even when we forget to be. He wants to include EVERYONE in his rescue plan, even people who are not like us at all!
Suggested Candy: Dum-Dum suckers ("Because running away from God is a Dum-Dum thing to do!" Trust us, the parents always love this one!)

1 Trunk or Treat for SUV Idea - Daniel and the Lions' Den
We love to tell the story of God's faithfulness to Daniel in keeping him safe. Here's what one volunteer from our church did for this trunk in the back of their SUV.
Suggested Candy: Kit-Kats (Get it? Yes, it's corny... but lean into it, and the parents will love it.)

The Fiery Furnace (3 Hebrew Boys) Trunk or Treat Idea
Bonus: Put a small fan inside to make the "flames" blow. :)
Suggested Candy: Fireballs, of course!

4 Nativity Story Trunk or Treat Ideas
Love this one! We've got examples from the back of a truck, or a trunk. :) Also, the third example below is a trunk or treat trunk van idea!
Suggested Candy: Lifesavers

Trunk or Treat Bible Story idea: The Cross
We made a large cross out of rough-cut cedar, a detachable stand, and put a spotlight on it. We tell the story of Christ's sinless life and sacrificial death in our Trunk or Treat Gospel Script, then pray with each person.
Suggested Candy: We actually don't give candy at this one, because we want to focus in on praying with each family that comes through. But the big candy comes at the very next station!

4 Trunk or Treat Van Ideas - Heaven
Here's another idea for a trunk or treat van station. We had 3 different years, a "heaven" trunk made in the back of a minivan. Sparkle lights, etc...
Suggested Candy: We like to go big here. Maybe a little back of candy that's all the extra you collected in your trunk or treat organizing efforts. Or, what we usually do -- a giant Hershey's chocolate bar. ("To be with Jesus forever in the new heavens and new earth is the biggest reward of all!")

Need more Trunk or Treat Trunks Ideas?
If you're a trunk or treat planner, you can download all these pictures as a slideshow to train your trunk or treat volunteers. It's included in the:
Trunk Or Treat Planning System
Rather than download all these pictures above, they're all included in the Trunk or Treat Volunteer Training Slides. Get your copy today, and save 50-100 hours of planning with the easy templates included!
Every year, the Gospel Trunk or Treat improves, because of our annual trunk or treat improvement process.
So I created this Gospel Trunk or Treat out of that 13 years of experience! Want more details? Drop your email right here:
Other Vital Trunk or Treat Links:
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