Hey there!
OK, let’s go! Today’s reading is Matthew 10-12.
Please do plan to get your own reading Bible and use that! But if you don’t have one yet, use the links below!
Bible Links:
Read the ESV here. (This one has audio available.)
Read the KJV here. (Traditional version.)
Read the NIV here. (Easiest to read.)
Video Teaching and Explanation:
5 Minute Teaching Video:
Here’s the "Study The Bible For Yourself" video:
Prayer and Meditation Questions for Matthew 10-12:
Matthew 10:16-20 – Sheep Among Wolves:
Jesus warns His disciples about the challenges they will face but promises that the Spirit will speak through them. Are you facing situations where you need courage and wisdom from the Holy Spirit?
Prayer Prompt: "Lord, when I feel like a sheep among wolves, remind me that Your Spirit is with me. Give me courage, wisdom, and the words to speak in difficult moments."
Matthew 11:28-30 – Rest for the Weary:
Jesus invites the weary and burdened to find rest in Him. What burdens are you carrying today that you need to lay down at His feet?
Prayer Prompt: "Jesus, I give You my worries and weariness. Teach me to rest in Your gentle and humble heart, trusting in Your grace to carry me."
Matthew 12:33-37 – Words Reflect the Heart:
Jesus teaches that our words reveal what is stored in our hearts. Are there words you’ve spoken recently that reveal areas where your heart needs transformation?
Prayer Prompt: "Father, cleanse my heart so that my words reflect Your love and truth. Help me to speak life, encouragement, and grace to those around me."
That’s it! See you tomorrow!
~ Darrell
P.S. Want to download the free plan and join in?
Or, click here for more info about the 90 Day New Testament Bible Reading Challenge.