In the next few days, I’ll be posting a couple posts on the toughest things about being a pastor. I’m doing a survey of all my readers who are pastors, to see what you say are the toughest things about your job.
If you’ve already taken the survey, thank you!
I’m working through the results now — and look forward to sharing them! In the survey I asked a question… Maybe you can relate to some of these answers:

Can you relate to the pain of any of those answers?? I certainly can!
What are YOUR greatest pain points?
If you haven’t taken the 8-question survey yet, please CLICK HERE. I’d love to have YOUR INPUT!
What I’m doing with the results: Creating Resources
One of the top 5 “pain points” was “not being able to follow up on guests.” I can relate — for years, I felt the frustration of this one!
But about 3 years ago, I got frustrated enough to start designing a system that didn’t allow people to fall through the cracks.
It took months of designing and tweaking
Over 100 hours of labor to get it all together
Now, it’s humming along nicely
I have equipped volunteers to help
We have had 12 guests in the past 4 weeks
No one fell through the cracks.
I’m going to teach you how to build the system (and save you TONS of time in the process) on my webinar Friday and Saturday. There are 3 time slots for you convenience… I plan to give away as many of my secrets as possible. 🙂