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Writer's pictureDarrell Stetler II

What does the Bible say about Holiness?

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Darrell Stetler II video teaching on holiness

Holiness is one of those topics that seems to confuse people. Sometimes, people don’t seem to understand why holiness matters, or even what the definition of holiness is. There are many questions people struggle with:

  1. What does the Bible say about holiness?

  2. What does it mean that God is holy? 

  3. What is the definition of holiness? 

  4. Why are some churches called holiness churches?

  5. How much holiness does God require of me? 

  6. How can the Holy Spirit really transform my character and life?

  7. Is it really reasonable to expect a life of holiness and victory over sin?

  8. How can I ever be holy when I’ve got so many issues?

Holiness is not a niche product for a narrow market — it’s not just for Pentecostals, or the Holiness Movement, the Bible Methodists, or people who believe Wesleyan/Arminian theology. Study of God’s holiness and how to “be holy, for I, the Lord your God am holy,” (see 1 Peter 1:16) is for all serious Christians, all students of God’s Word, regardless of denomination or background.

After all, “…without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) I’d say that places the stakes pretty high. Regardless of denomination or theological background, we should care about what the Bible says about holiness, both about God’s holiness and ours!

How do we teach what the Bible says about holiness?

Much of my childhood has been marked by men who preached holiness in my generation. My grandfathers, Kenneth Stetler and V.O. Agan, preached holiness for their audiences, and lived it in their home life and before their families. Much of what I know about the Scriptures teach about holiness was preached and lived before me by my dad, Darrell Stetler, Sr.

I owe much to these men and their faithful teaching of the Scriptures.

But how do we teach people what the Bible says about holiness in the current day? How do we disciple new Christians to break through the current cultural climate and care about God’s holiness being reproduced in their lives and hearts? Frankly, people in my theological circles have not written and said much in the public “theological square” about the topic of the holiness of God in the last few decades.

So it is with great trembling that I am stepping out to add my voice to the topic.

Today, I want to invite you to participate in the Pursuing Holiness Challenge: A 40 Day Holiness Discipleship Journey.

Introducing Pursuing Holiness Pursuing Holiness Logo for Pursuing Holiness: A 40-Day Discipleship in Holiness experience

Pursuing Holiness: A 40-Day Discipleship in Holiness experience

What is included in the 40 Days of Holiness Church Campaign?

What 40 Days of Holiness Includes

The campaign is starting to be starting this year on Pentecost Sunday, but it is one of those work at your own pace things. If you miss a day you just pick up where you left off, so it’s a great opportunity to learn about what holiness means, and how you can be holy as God is holy. 

Throughout the Pursuing Holiness challenge, there will be a Facebook group and you have opportunity to ask questions.

When you participate in 40 Days of Holiness, you’re buying so much more than just one more spiritual growth book. Let me show you what I mean:


Here’s an example of the teaching videos on the holiness of God. This is from Day 1 of the challenge:

Feature #2: 40 Days of video PRAYERS FOR HOLINESS

When the teaching video is done, there is a sample prayer that is included in your workbook and there was also on the website a five minutes video of guided I pray for 2-minutes. Here’s an example from Day 8 of the challenge:

So these daily prayers are specifically praying back to God about what he’s talking to us about from the Bible verses on holiness for that day, you three minutes of prayer at the end of that to pray and seek on your own.  


Each day also features 2-3 meditation questions where you have a chance to pause and think and journal, to consider what God is saying to you, and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you in a deeper way what holiness means.

Here are a couple screenshots from the workbook:

Pursuing Holiness Workbook meditation questions on what holiness def

Feature #4: A CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS about holiness

Every single day of the 40 Days of Holiness experience has a neat feature — on the website, there’s an invitation to ask questions. You can click the little chat button, and your questions come straight to my email. I’ll try to answer it on my YouTube channel.

So we’re going to do our best to just experience this seeking of holiness together. But it’s way different and way more than just a book what year what year purchasing here is an experience with a whole group online a digital community of God’s people.

So how can I get 40 Days of Holiness for my church?

You can either choose a digital download version of the Pursuing Holiness workbook that you can print out yourself, or you can choose to have one shipped directly to you… 

If you’re a pastor, or Sunday school teacher, I’m going to give you a hint – you can HUGE price discount if you get your church or Sunday school class to take it together! Click this link to get the 40 Days of Holiness church campaign

I want you to invite invite you and your family and your people in your church of your small group along with us that’s all across the country we engage this topic is vital crucial but often forgotten misunderstood topic of the Holiness of God. 

A subscription to this product in the NewStart Discipleship Tools family, gives you an unlimited printing license for these 130 page workbooks.

So here’s the final question I want you to think about:

Imagine with me for a moment that you took 40 days and you looked deep into God’s holiness. What if you spent an anchor 15 minutes a day just learning and mulling over and meditating on the Scripture… meditating on God and inviting his work in you that time of day for you — everyday for 40 days? 

Would it make a difference in your walk with Jesus?

Oh, yes it would! I am convinced that God is going to use this take you to a different level in your walk with him in "the beauty of holiness!"

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